Work from home (or perhaps you know it better as #WFH) is being called a new normal. Only it’s not normal. For many of us, whether we’ve been doing this for years or just started, there is one big change to working from home in this moment…all members of the household are there - ALL THE TIME. This is creating stress, downtime and interruptions that are worse than the cube gophers that used to pop up over our walls. To say the least, it’s frustrating trying to get it all done.
This webinar is a work from home workshop to allow you to lift up, examine your priorities, make choices, build contracts with others to help (at work and home), and get it all done!
Come to this webinar with an “I can do this attitude” and be prepared to have a productive session. We promise you will leave with actions to give you a step up in productivity in your WFH experience.
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Later Event: May 12
CADIA Connects - The Power of One on Ones